What is The Adventures of NinjaMan & NinjaChic? A SuperNinja couple in their quests of pregnancy and parenthood! ...But really its the everyday life of an Airman,his wife and their little boy!
Ninjas sounded so much cooler.

Baby Ninjas Spotlight

October 8,2009--Baby Ninja's First Photo! 9 weeks and 4 days

October 14,2009--Baby Ninja's Checkup 10 weeks and 4 days

December 16,2009--Baby Ninja's Halfway There Checkup! 19 weeks and 4 days

December 16,2009--Baby Ninja's Halfway There Checkup! 19 weeks and 4 days It's a BOY!!

Day 225, 32 weeks and 1 day, First day of 9th month!
Baby Ninja is about 11.8 inches long and about 4.2-4.4 pounds!